Percentage Change Calculator

i.e. income, traffic, circulation for Month 1/Year 1

i.e. income, traffic, circulation for Month 2/Year 2

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Ever needed to know the % change between two figures?

Our tool makes it extremely easy to calculate your change in website traffic, email subscribers, revenue and much more.

About Our Percentage Change Calculator

What does this tool do?

This tool calculates the percentage difference between two values, for example, how much your traffic has increased YoY (?).

What types of data can I compare with this tool?

You can compare any numerical data such as monthly income, website traffic, email subscribers or publication circulation between two different periods.

How should I enter the data into the tool?

Input your data for each period in the ‘Value 1’ and ‘Value 2’ fields. Ensure you enter numerical values only.

What does a positive percentage in the output indicate?

A positive percentage suggests an increase in the second value compared to the first, indicating growth or rise (we’ve set it to auto highlight green for increased results and red for decreased for clearer visualisation).

How can I reset the calculator for a new calculation?

Click the ‘Reset’ button to clear all inputs and results, allowing for a new calculation.

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