SEO Traffic & Revenue Calculator

Enter your average conversion rate

Enter your average order value

Enter the estimated monthly keyword search volume

Estimated Results

Est. Monthly Clicks Est. Monthly Revenue
Position 1

Est. 28.5% CTR

Position 2

Est. 15.7% CTR

Position 3

Est. 11.0% CTR

Please note, that these figures are based on industry averages and should be used for guidance purposes only.

How much revenue is your business missing out on?

Immediately see how your position on search engines (e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd) can impact your traffic and revenue potential.

About Our SEO Traffic & Revenue Calculator

What does this calculator do?

This tool estimates the potential monthly clicks and revenue your website could generate based on its position in search engine results.

It considers factors like average conversion rate, order value, and keyword search volume.

How to use this calculator?

Simply input your average conversion rate, average order value, and the monthly search volume of your targeted keyword.

The calculator will then provide estimates of monthly clicks and revenue for the top 3 search result positions.

Who is this for?

Ecommerce owners seeking to translate search rankings into sales

Digital marketers grappling with the ROI (?) of SEO (?) investments

Bloggers and content creators aiming to increase audience engagement

SEO specialists needing a quick calculator for client reports and strategy planning

Are these results guaranteed?

No, the calculator provides a guideline only. It estimates based on industry-standard averages and the data you input.

Actual traffic and revenue can vary due to multiple factors like market changes, search algorithm updates, and consumer behaviour.

How does this calculator help with SEO planning?

By understanding potential traffic and revenue outcomes, you can better strategise your content, keywords, and budget allocation for optimal ROI(?).

Does ranking well for one keyword affect related terms?

Yes, ranking high for a specific keyword often boosts rankings for related, similar terms.

Search engines recognise keyword variations and context, so a top ranking for one term typically leads to improved rankings for associated terms, increasing overall traffic and revenue.

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