URL Cleaner

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Your Cleaned URLs

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An easy way to simplify your URLs

Quickly and easily shorten URLs to their root domain or adjust prefixes like ‘http://’, ‘https://’, or ‘www’.

Ideal for managing large volumes of links, improving efficiency in digital marketing and web management.

About Our URL Cleaner

What does this tool do?

Our URL cleaning tool efficiently shortens and standardises URLs by trimming them to the root domain and adjusting prefixes based on user preference.

How do I use this tool?

To use the URL trimming tool, follow these 3 quick steps:

Paste URLs: Input your list of URLs into the tool

Choose Format: Select your desired URL format from the dropdown

Clean and Copy: Click the clean button and then copy the processed URLs

Why shorten URLs?

Short URLs enhance SEO, improve user experience, are more social media-friendly, and contribute to better internet performance.

They’re easier to read, share, and can slightly boost website loading times.

Who benefits from the URL cleaner tool?

This tool benefits internet users for personal bookmarking, webmasters and online business owners for site management, digital marketers for creating SEO-friendly campaigns, and content creators for easy-to-share links.

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