Lee Ruane Shopify Ecommerce Specialist & Strategist

About Us

Based in Lincoln and headed up by Lee Ruane, an ecommerce specialist with over a decade of experience, LR Digital has a proven track record of driving exponential growth.

Previously the Head of Ecommerce at Sophie Allport, Lee helped to boost their online sales by 1,500% in eight years, transforming them into one of the UK’s leading homewares companies.

Now, he applies this expertise to help small-to-medium sized ecommerce stores scale up their businesses.

LR Digital is proud to hold trusted partnerships with industry leaders like Shopify, Klaviyo, and Salesfire, giving you the peace of mind that you’re in safe hands.

Our Services
  • 10 years ecommerce in ecommerce

    10+ Years Experience

  • Proven track history

    Proven Results

  • Reliable and efficient shopify agency

    Efficient & Reliable

  • Trusted Partnerships

    Trusted Partners

  • Less is More

    No fluff or filler. We don’t believe in doing more for the sake of being busy. Rather than doing lots of things averagely…we’d rather do fewer, just really well.

  • Data-Driven Strategy

    Let the data do the talking. We’ll integrate with your systems, extract key insights, and formulate an action plan to tackle priority tasks effectively.

  • Hands On Execution

    We offer more than just strategy. We become your flexible, in-house ecommerce department, providing continuing support tailored to your needs.

  • No Vanity Metrics

    Stop obsessing about your Instagram followers and start obsessing about your conversion. Do the stuff that really moves the needle.